Are you thinking about adding on? Looking to build new? Perhaps it’s time to downsize. Or maybe you just want to make better use of the space you have. Regardless, you’re about to invest a significant amount of money, time and emotional energy into what is both a wonderful and stressful prospect. While the perfect union of function and form is the goal, only a good process and reliable relationships will get you there intact. Look for a designer that:

  1. Asks good questions.
  2. And invites yours.
  3. Listens more than talks.
  4. Explains how your budget is allocated and how fees work. There are different levels of engagement, each with its own set of pros and cons. Understanding these upfront gives everyone clarity.
  5. Promotes an open, collaborative process that includes a great contractor.
  6. Has your back. Your architect is responsible for protecting your investment and your ideas. This is especially important during construction.
  7. Offers references. Don’t just ask for them, call them!